Friday, October 19, 2007

So tired, haven't slept a wink.

As soon as I pick Primera up from her play rehearsal and deal with the guy from the alarm place, I am taking a profound and well-deserved nap.

I was just thinking how relatively smoothly things went today, and then I remembered I'd taken anti-anxiety meds last night. Which always makes me think two things:

1. That shit does work well.
2. I must really need it if it makes that much of a difference.

I have lost 13 pounds, mostly from sweltering in un-air-conditioned splendor in that Sweat Lodge of a classroom, and maybe a little from stress and anxiety. It's the World's Worst Diet!!!!

And yet: I can now fit into clothing I hadn't worn in awhile, and stuff that I bought at the end of the summer is positively roomy on me!

At some point in my life, I'll write about the hissy fit I had with the school when Primera was put in ensemble in the school play. Right now, I don't have the energy. Suffice it to say that I haven't gotten that angry in awhile.


owlfan said...

Your Worlds Worst Diet doesn't sound like any more fun than mine - oral surgery combined with strep throat - I lost 10 pounds in 10 days. VERY unpleasant - but at least 5 pounds have stayed off for 6 months now!

emily said...

Oh, gosh, Katherine--that sounds AWFUL! Right up there with intestinal upset and the Loss of Confidence Diet.

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