Saturday, October 27, 2007

My shrink tells me that Xanax would have worn off by 4 AM. I suggested maybe it was placebo effect. He thinks no, maybe I'm just sleeping better w/the Xanax. Which is funny, b/c I didn't take it last night and had really awful dreams.

I hate Halloween. Hate it. Liked it when I was a kid, what with the neighbor who literally used to give out bags of rocks, but started hating it in college when a friend of mine went through an atrocious breakup that started at a Halloween party when, through a drunken haze, she noticed that her boyfriend was spending all his time with the the woman he eventually dumped her for. Also, there are masks and people pretending to be what they are not, and the whole thing is just creepy. Like the candy, though.

I'm such a fun person. Everything that normal people like depresses me. But I like Swedish films.

Primera is dressing as Hannah Montana. Feh. Fehfehfeh.

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