Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not Fade Away

I went to my college reunion this weekend, which was, hmm. Tempus fugit. Sic transit gloria mundi. Ou sont les neiges d'antan? Etc.

I found out what happens to asshole frat boys when they grow up: they become asshole middle-aged men. Seriously: there were a bunch of people lined up for an alumni parade (see below) and these effing morons are yelling above the crowd, "Hey Rock! Rock! Come over here!" And then one called out, "Hey, 1961! I was born that year." I muttered "Most everyone else here was born that year," because, hello? Dipshit! We're all the same age. About four or five minutes later, one of his genius friends noted the same thing. Then they talked very LOUDLY about what they remembered of campus (not much, apparently), their golf games, and I forget what else before I couldn't take it anymore and moved forward. I couldn't place them as individual people, but I knew exactly which kinds of quasi-jock loudmouths they must have been. Feh.

OTOH, I overheard another knot of people, and I rather liked the conversation I overheard: one man saying, "At first you think maybe you're going to accomplish all these things and maybe you're just delayed a bit, and at this point I realize I'm never actually going to do them."

Anyway: it was nice, and I saw a couple of people I like. I took Primera, b/c Secundo had a really important baseball game, he thought, so the spousal unit went to the game and we girls drove to Philly. She was extremely excellent, except for throwing up all over the car on the way back.

While we were waiting on line for registration (this would be well before the vomiting incident), this very nice-looking Main Line type, probably early 60's, elegantly dressed with a beautiful paisley shawl, was sort of smiling and commenting on our mother-daughter bickering, then she leaned over and whispered to me, while looking at Primera, "She's going to be lovely." I love those incidental benedictions. Primera is in fact going to be lovely; she is now, too, but in a gangly preteen kind of way.

Also? While I need to lose weight, based on what I saw at the reunion I'm aging better than I'd thought.

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