Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Things I Learned Today

If you want to clean a gravestone, Ajax and Comet work best. If you want to clean out the lettering on a footstone b/c debris, dirt, whatever, has gotten into it, use compressed air--same thing used for keyboards.

It's not just good bloggity fun--it's educational, too!!


Carol P. said...

Cool ideas, but be very, very careful. Bleach isn't recommended, and only soft brushes and water. Google cleaning tombstone for more hints.

When I had time to do more genealogy (AKA, before kids -- after my sister L's passing, I've received much of her working stuff in my garage waiting for my kids to get old enough that I can get back to it. Most of it's back east though, and it's hard to traipse through cemeteries over the internet) we used were looking tombstones from several hundred years ago. Pennsylvania slate, so they'd flake off in sheets.

So be very, very careful because 200 years from now, somebody might be looking at these!

emily said...

Interesting: I got these tips from the guy who runs a monuments business--I figured he'd know. I asked whether the Ajax or Clorox would damage the stone and he said no, it won't even hurt polished granite.

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