Monday, November 13, 2006

So one of these days I'll write about a fight that's broken out on a really stupid email list I belong to--basically, someone started a flamewar re the meaning of disability, what's wrong with the Combating Autism Act, etc. Which is a debate worth having: I don't want my kid cured or combated, but to what extent is my child her disability? And can I really speak on this issue when I have an extremely verbal kid who got back from a sleepover this morning and then had two kids over for a playdate?

Oh yeah: random thought. You know what really pisses me off about Autism Speaks (besides the name, which irritates me no end. Autism doesn't speak. Autistic people do. Okay, I'll stop)? There's some press release I've read somewhere or other to the effect that Suzanne Wright said, "Autism picked the wrong door to knock on" (more personification!). Okay, so excuse me, but all the rest of us little people--it was okay if autism came knocking on our doors? Because we didn't matter? Or we were too weak and ineffectual to send it packing? I mean, I get it: personify it so you can direct your energy toward something, but I also think it takes a particularly tone-deaf person to say something like that. Meow.

But enough of that. The really important thing is that I'm up past 15K words on NaNoWriMo, which is actually behind track, because by Day 12, I should have been up to 19,992, but it's far better than I've done on previous attempts.

All this, and I folded laundry today. But did not vacuum. Or cook.

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